NT2 Dutch language course and examination training

The NT2 exam is the Dutch state language test that ensures you have reached a proficient level of Dutch. We provide NT2 exam training for both the NT2 exam level I and NT2 exam level II - giving you the tools you need to pass with success. Our language courses provide a fun and intimate Dutch learning experience that take place either one to one or in groups. Whether you are a professional looking to expand your skill set, or a new arrival looking to settle in Holland, we'll have the right course to prepare you for the NT2 exam. Just contact us via the details on this website

NT2 exam training is great for business!
We provide language training for individuals or can take care of your company's language needs. Contact us to see if we can come up with a tailored solution!

NT2 Exam training is a collaborative project of PCI Languages and Dutch Language School Katakura WBLC.